-Eden Pond Ramblings-
March 25 2009 - 2350
Hi been awhile - working on many projects and seem to see myself coming and going. We had 3 male and 1 female -ringed neck ducks - on the bridge pond today - they decided to leave before camera could be shot. Also had a Wood duck male on turtle pond - He could see me though the window and split when I raised the camera. Beautiful duck , hope he decides he likes it here and brings his lady to nest. -- That said I hope our trees are to their liking - not sure what they want in a nesting spot but there are some Maples and alder that have crooks and wye branches - not sure if they only use cavities or will nest in a wye. Between family b-days and get togethers - spring prep - remodeling - Electrical work (needed for paying bills ) and moving it has been a busy time - At least there is a light at the end of the" moving" tunnel - okay if it is a train as long as it dosen't have more things to move !! - Short walk today reveiled two sets of deer prints in the earth sofened by the much rain last night , it was a doe and fawn to my guess by the relative size difference of the prints -- It has been educational watching the alge in the bridge pond - If I am right a dose (constant) of air to the bottom should clear that pond nicely. We were able to get a small amount of pipe from craigs list at a good price so we can issolate a pond to "doctor" the bottom and not muddy the rest down steam. -- During the last storms we lost a small evergreen -It fell on the high voltage line (7500 I think ) it burned itself in two and then fell on the lower line and PUD finally came -they just cut the top enough to clear the line so I hope we can save the rest of the tree. We also lost an Alder from the edge of Bubba' pond - it actually fell into the pond - more fire wood . Well it is getting late and must be up early so will sign off for now - rereading this reminds me why I chose Ramblings for this section -- Have A peacful rest or a good morning and we will chat again soon -- remember you can E-Mail responces -- God Bless --- Dan
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